Club Projects

Hello, All.

Each project will be given a separate listing. If you want to volunteer, click on the applicable links for that project.

Cub Bikeree - we are planning the annual Bicycle Safety project and need some volunteers.  If you are interested in helping to coordinate or participate at a station please post your requests in the comment portion below.

Beaver Bike Safety

Brail Tone College Club & Brail Tone Music Society

Brittania/Youngstown Community

C.A.R.E. Housing Society

Childhood Cancer Campaign (CCC)

Essays and Oratorical Contests - Scholarships

G.R.I.T. (Getting Ready for Inclusion)

I Human

Institute for Stuttering Treatment & Research (ISTAR)

Juvenile Curling

Kids Help Phone

Kids With Cancer Society

Little Warriors

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Girl Guides

Safe House

School for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

St. Catherines School -- Hampers

Santa's Anonymous

Shriners' Clown Charity

SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) Foundation

Stollery Childrens Hospital

Numerous Youth Sports Teams
Youth Emergency Shelter

Lids for All

Capital Health Injury Prevention Projects
Youth Injury Prevention & Safety Projects
Zebra Society