Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Wolf Point Bus

Hello fellow Optimists,
It is with regret and a very heavy heart that I
must inform you all that the bus to Wolf Point will
be cancelled due to low numbers. We had to
receive 35 passengers, confirmed, and to date we
sit at 21 (2 cancelled a few days ago due to a
scheduling change). I realize this may affect some
of you in a negative way, that is, you may not be
able to go to Wolf Point. I suggest that you try and
car pool within your areas, as best you can, and to
give Governor Glen and his team all the support
you can by still going to Wolf Point!!

So, go out there, and support our youth! Support
Governor Glen and all his efforts to build our District.
I will be returning your cheques, via snail mail, by
the end of this week. The cheques would only have
been processed had the bus trip taken place.
Thank you for giving us (zone 5), the chance to
make the bus trip a go. I am truly sorry that we
couldn't make it a reality.

Yours in Optimism,
Patti Welling
LG Zone 5

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