Our Annual General Meeting was held on
September 12 with about 35 members and guests
Optkid Keleigh & Opti-Grandkid Damian. Club
Elections were held with a financial report and
bylaws & a policy review followed.
Starting October 1 our club executive is:
President Wyn McAra
President-elect Peggy Dick
Vice President- Warren Loewen
Past President -Beryl Cooper
Secretary - Lucile Story
Treasurer Keivin Wallace
Treasurer Samantha Wallace
2 Year Directors
Mike Trudeau
Helen Cardle
Dave Parnell
Ron Story
1 Year Directors
Ruby Anderson
Elsa Johnson
Gloria Perrich
Art Temple
A financial update was given and our club
is doing well raising money with Casinos,
Bingos, and the Edmonton Eskimos
Parking. Our money is being spent on
Youth and Community projects and each
year about $100,000 is raised and spent.
Our Bylaws and Policies were reviewed and
the most significant change was that dues
were increased to a $100 per member.
However we still continue our “sweat
equity” where as active members dues will
be covered through fund raising.
Special thanks are extended to our Past
Presidents led by Immediate Past President
Geoff for the elections and nominations
committee, Opt Keivin for the finances, and
Opt John for preparing the updated bylaws
and Policies. The AGM was a success and
our club continues stronger than ever.
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